SOS India celebrates child rights

TODAY EXPRESS NEWS ( REPORT BY AJAY VERMA ) New Delhi, November 21, 2017:  SOS Children’s Villages of India (SOS India), India’s only Group Foster Care institution, concluded its annual sports and cultural event –‘SOS Tarang 2017’, yesterday, in the capital.

The festivity began with the National Children’s Day and culminated with the Universal Children’s Day, marking the 28th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and celebration of rights of the parentless and abandoned children.

32 SOS India villages participated in the annual festival to mark Children’s Week. A series of regional and zonal level competitions and activities were organised at SOS Projects, which provided the children, a platform to showcase their talent in the field of sports, art and culture.

The festival marks appreciation for skills and abilities that the children of SOS Project encompass and inculcates confidence in them.

Anuja Bansal, ‎Secretary General, SOS Children’s Villages of India, said, “India is home to 20 million parentless and abandoned children, and opportunities like Children’s Day allows us to highlight their urgent need for acceptance and support to society. SOS Children’s Villages India is committed to securing the future of parentless and abandoned children. The development indicator of a country relates to its upcoming generation, their quality of life. Thus, honing their skills in all spheres of life is vital to add to the upcoming demographic dividend of the nation.”

SOS India has been involved in providing children in need, a ‘home-like’ environment, with a loving mother, brothers and sisters, as well as a home and a community. The mission of the SOS Children’s Villages of India is to build families for children without parental care so that they grow up with love, respect & security.

CONTACT : AJAY VERMA 9953753769 , 9716316892