” India’s Heritage of Gharana Music ” book launch written by prominent vocalist Dr. Meeta Pandit


TODAY EXPRESS NEWS ( AJAY VERMA ) The capital came together to witness the launch of a much awaited book launch by Dr. Meeta Pandit titled  “India’s Heritage of Gharana Music: Pandits of Gwalior” on 5th April, 2018 at the Lalit, New Delhi. The book’s foundation is based on the history of the Gwalior Gharana, from where Dr. Meeta Pandit actually belongs and has been practicing classical singing from a long period of time.

The book was unveiled by Mr. Jyotiraditya Scindia and Dr. Karan Singh who were accompanied by many prominent names like Shovana Narayan, Alka Raghuvanshi, Wasifuddin Dagar, Rita Ganguly, Sharon Lowen, Sangeeta Gupta, Chavi Asrani and many more.
The book highlighted Gwalior’s rise as the cultural capital of India which comes via the patronage it enjoyed in pre-Independence India leading to the blossoming of two important styles in the music of northern India, namely Dhrupad and Khayal
Also, it shows the transition from Dhrupad to Khayal style in north Indian classical music and from the Khans to the Pandits.  Numerous legends, rare anecdotes, folklore, narratives makes it a very interesting read along with rare pictures from the family archives. 

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