Haryana Police has decided to voluntary donate their one-day salary for flood affected Kerala


TODAY EXPRESS NEWS : Panchkula,-August 25 – All officers and ranks of Haryana Police has decided to voluntary donate their one-day salary for ongoing relief and rehabilitation work in the flood affected Kerala.

While stating this here today, Director General of Police, Mr B.S. Sandhu said that people of Kerala have been facing heavy losses of life and property due to severe floods and Haryana police is with Kerala in this hour of need. Extending support to the ongoing relief and rehabilitation efforts, all the officers and ranks of State Police have come forward and voluntarily contributed their one day salary making it a total of Rs5.05 crore.

Mr Sandhu thanked all the officers and officials of State Police for their voluntary contribution and added that Haryana Police stands with the people of Kerala at this time of crisis.

( टुडे एक्सप्रेस न्यूज़ के लिए अजय वर्मा की रिपोर्ट )

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