बढ़ते स्मॉग पर मॉडल – एक्टर संजीव नागर ने फेसबुक पोस्ट कर दिया सन्देश


TODAY EXPRESS NEWS ( FACEBOOK POST ) Guys smog attacked the Delhi again! Last month also people sufferrd coz of smog n resulted in breathing problems, throat infection, cold&cough. I don’t want to preach, I’m equally to blame for this mess as most of the citizens of our country, but now instead of blaming each other and government, let’s change and go green. Please take care of urself n ur near n dear ones and also please water the plants near u coz plants n animals r also suffering by this mess n don’t cause any harm to plants it will also be a great help. Thankyou! #saveenvironment #saveearth #savehumanity 😷

( टुडे एक्सप्रेस न्यूज़ के लिए अजय वर्मा की रिपोर्ट )

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