“KAL KA KALAKAR”. Featuring five women artists


TODAY EXPRESS NEWS ( Ajay verma ) New Delhi:  Surrendra Paul Art Gallery, Sangeet Shyamala hosted “KAL KA KALAKAR”. Featuring five women artists Neerja Divate, Neha Talwar, Meghna Madan, Ritu Agarwal,Sangeeta Grover who participated in the workshop.The idea of the exhibition was to highlight and showcase the works of these five women artists who had chosen on merit of their work and their presence on the art-scene.

Art has always been one of the most widely used mediums for expressing the plight in India.Through the medium of art exhibition artist’s purpose is of spreading art and culture and supporting emerging women artists by providing them a platform to the women artists to showcase their talent and their unique contribution to society bringing about gender equanimity and negating gender polarization.

Sangeet Shyamala Art Gallery being the epitome of art and culture influencers in the country houses this edition. Giving the evening a perfect mood and charm for imaginations to take flight upto 2nd June from 11:00 a.m. onwards. 

About Sangeet Shyamala Art Gallery

A Multi Disciplinarian School of Visual And Performing Arts SangeetShymala believes in ideals of a versatile cultural education hence this multi-disciplinaryspace creates, nurtures and promotes the fine arts with a vision to enlighten young creativeminds, that are fresh and receptive to an artistic awakening.SangeetShyamala was registered in Delhi in 1974 Its Honorary Founder Director was the late Smt. SomTewari.

In 1984, Sangeet Shyamala was allotted half an acre of land in Vasant Vihar,where a full-fledged cultural centre has been built, complete with classrooms, studios,Surrendra Paul art gallery, SomManch open-air auditorium, and the One Up Children& Its Library,which is our partner in many literary and arts ventures. SangeetShyamala is headed by Vasundhara TewariBroota who is its Director and anartist in her own right with many national and international art exhibitions to her name. She is ateacher at SangeetShyamala and holds art classes for children and adults at the centre.

CONTACT : AJAY VERMA – 9716316892 – 9953753769
EMAIL : todayexpressnews24x7@gmail.com , faridabadrepoter@gmail.com